Be Free: Negative Patterns

Jesus is the reason for the season! Yet, many people leave family celebrations dejected, rejected, or angry. Generational patterns amplify during holidays. Every family is unique, with habits and patterns passed down from generation to generation. Do you recognize any of these habits or patterns in your family?

unchecked Arroganceunchecked Depressionunchecked A hot temper
unchecked Sense of entitlementunchecked Cynicismunchecked Poverty mentality
unchecked Substance abuseunchecked Adulteryunchecked Divorce
unchecked Emotional instabilityunchecked Abusiveunchecked Victim mentality
unchecked An unhealthy relationship with foodunchecked Independenceunchecked Lack of expression of love
unchecked Difficulty expressing emotionsunchecked Disconnected from emotionsunchecked Difficulty maintaining close relationships

If you said yes, it is possible you picked up the same negative pattern in your life. Generation patterns can lead to severe bondage. When you discover and name a negative generational pattern, then you can change it.

Ask the Lord to reveal a negative pattern in your family. Consider extended family and the people you grew up with. Examine close relationships and the behavior of people with a considerable influence over your life. Write down what the Lord reveals to you. Journal how that pattern affected you. Do you see this pattern still affecting those in your family? When was the first time this negative pattern appeared in your own life?

Scripture says that when you accept the free gift of salvation by Christ Jesus, you receive a spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15). Negative patterns no longer enslave you. Call on God as a Father and Christ as a friend (John 15:15).

Imagine what your life would be like, free from those negative patterns. Then, ask the Lord to give you the strength to change. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” Let this be your battle cry.

This holiday season does not simply exist and survive--but thrive and break away from negative patterns. As you celebrate the birth of Christ, celebrate that He has set you free! To God give all praise and glory!
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