Here is an At A Glance look at what is happening at Capstone Church!  
Click on underlined events to be taken directly to that event for you to see the details or registration links.
  • Adult & Children's Church every Sunday at 10:00 AM.
  • Men's & Women's Bible Study every Sunday at 9:00 A.M.
  • Men's & Women's Bible Study every Monday at 7:15 P.M.
  • Surviving Spouses Widows Ministry every Tuesday at 12:00 P.M.
  • Kids, Youth, and Adult service every Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.
  • Story Time for Children every Thursday at 10:00 A.M.
  • Mercy Heart Ministry every Thursday at 6:00 P.M.

Aug. 2 - Ladies Night Out
Aug. 4 - Baptism 
           - Back to School Bash
Aug. 17 - Outreach Ministry
Aug. 18 - UGM Ministry Outreach
Aug.18-24 - Connect Week
Sept. 1 - Baptism
Sept. 6 - Ladies Night Out

Love Your Pantry Donation Item - TUNA

For more information please click on underlined event or navigate on the app to
Sign-Up Links.