Be Free: Healed

What if you always stayed the same? Imagine your life if you acted and thought like you did when you were eight, ten, or fourteen years old. How successful would you be?

When you become a Christian, you are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). What do you do differently now that you are a Christian? Do you get up earlier to study the Word of God, pray before eating, or attend church on Sunday morning? As Christians, we are changed into something and someone that didn’t exist before.

When you imagine your life five and ten years from now, what do you think the Lord will want to be different? What habits do you think He wants to change? What hurts do you believe God wants to heal?

God is a really big God. Job walked through a lot of hurt. His kids died. He lost his wealth. His wife was cruel to him. Then his friends blamed him for his children's deaths. They assumed Job committed secret sins for so many terrible things to happen to him. Job’s losses and hurt were unimaginable. Yet, Job heard from God, and God healed him. God asked Job to pray for his friends who accused him of sinning and killing his children. Job prayed for them, and then God restored and healed Job. Job gained more wealth. He had more children. These did not replace what he lost--nothing replaces a lost child--but God did heal and restore him. Sometimes, the way to healing is to return to where you were hurt.
Where in your life were you hurt? What would life look like in five years if God healed that hurt? Ask God to show you.  In Job 42:1, ‘Job answered the Lord and said, “I know that You can do all things, and that no plan is impossible for You.’

Psalm 18:2 says, “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my savior, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Go to the Lord as a refuge and shield to heal your hurt. Let Him be a stronghold of healing for you.