I Was Glad

Psalm 122:1 NASB
I was glad when they said to me, “Let’s go to the house of the Lord.”

The Lord prepared for King Solomon to build the temple for Him. Kind David desired to do the building, but the Lord set aside that work for King David’s son. Not only did the Lord prepare King Solomon to build the temple, but the Lord also prepared a staggering number of people to build the temple. According to 1 Kings 5:13-18, the Lord prepared a total of 213,300 people to hew stone, transport materials, laborers, and managers. Not only did the Lord prepare King Solomon and 213,300 people to build the temple, but the Lord also provided King Hiram.
King Hiram was a friend of King Solomon’s father, King David. The Lord blessed the relationship between David and Hiram so that when the Lord ordained Solomon to begin the building project, Hiram provided raw materials to Solomon, including stone and cedar trees. The Lord had prepared mountains for His house from the beginning of time. It took the Lord somewhere between 15 and 30 years to prepare the cedars for Hiram to give to Solomon to be used by the workers to build the temple.

Ephesians 2:10 NASB says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” This is true for King David, King Solomon, King Hiram, 213,300 men, cedar trees, and you.

The Lord does not make mistakes. He prepares the trees, the mountains, and the times.
The next time you enter into the House of the Lord, stop and consider the sacred space.

How long did the Lord prepare you to come into His house? How long did He plan the trees for the Bibles, the coal, sun, and wind for the electricity, and the stones for the brick? How long did He lay the plan into the heart of the pastor to minister? How long were the songs carried in the musician's heart before they were written and sung? When was the sermon birthed? How long before the Holy Spirit planned the Bible verses before being settled in canon?

Brothers and Sisters, let us be glad when they say, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” The Lord has a great plan. Let's get to it.