Stay & Engage

Judas sat at the table with the disciples. He ate what Jesus gave him. He took on roles of responsibility. Then, after a ministry disagreement rooted in selfishness, Judas walked away from the table. He changed sides.

Walking away from the table of discipleship was easier for Judas than staying. To walk away, Judas did not need to check his heart. Once Judas left the table, no one asked him to sit up all night and pray. He did not need to carry a heavy sword or be burdened by all the other disciples' needs. Judas skipped the part of dinner with all the tough, boring theology. Judas did not have to wrestle or think deeply. All he had to do was leave.

Judas left the table of discipleship with a full belly. He ate his fill. He was even released by Jesus, and none of the other disciples made a fuss right then. Once he left, he could spend money however he wanted. No one would tell him what to do with the money box anymore. Leaving was easy.

But that’s not what other disciples did. They stayed. They engaged.

The question before Christians is the same as it was for Judas. Do you leave the table with a full belly, a full money box, and your own plans? Or do you stay and engage?
When Christ hands you the dipped bread and you have a choice, what will you do? Whatever you do, do it quickly.